In my research of love letters, I’ve found that some of the most memorable ones aren’t the funnies, the scandalous, or the gross. The ones that go down in history and is admired and oohed and ahhed over are downright honest. Let’s admit that not all of us are Shakespeare in the making. And neither do we want to sound like another Hallmark card. We want to send an individual message to our significant other that could be shared and cherished.

So here’s a few tip to help you write your own love letter that one day could be framed or passed down.

5 Rules to Writing a Love Letter

Rule #1 : Reminisce

Before you even put your pen down to paper, think about your memories with this person. Think of all the good times – the memorable times that make you smile, that make your heart go a flutter, that reminds you of why you’re in love with this person.

5 Rules to Writing a Love Letter

Rule #2 : Be Present

Love isn’t about the past or the future. It’s about the present. It’s about the now. Remember that you can only write something beautiful and lovely if you are in a beautiful and lovely mood. Don’t write if you’re angry or stressed out. Leave those negative emotion for your world renown novel.

5 Rules to Writing a Love Letter

Rule #3 : Yearn

How much do you want this person? How much do you want to be next to his/her side? Write as if you’ll never see this person again. Write as if this is your last letter. Write as if this person means so much to you that you can’t live without them. Otherwise, why are you with him/her if you don’t want to live without them?

5 Rules to Writing a Love Letter

Rule #4 : Be Honest

I can’t stress how important it is to be honest. Most of us can’t express what we feel because it’s cheesy or corny or we’re afraid of what the other person or even what other people think. Be honest with yourself and be brave enough to write down what you want. Admit it, if you can’t express honestly how you feel to your significant other, you must have some sort of communication problem that might impact your relationship.

5 Rules to Writing a Love Letter

Rule #5 : Be Creative

Here is why I think it’s good to think out of the box. Think of a favorite quote you share with each other. A secret joke, a secret laugh. Something only two of you know. Dreams unfulfilled waiting to come to life.

In the end, writing a love letter should be fun and possibly even be cathartic. It won’t be easy. Like everything else in life, it takes practice. Most of us aren’t born writers and the art of writing has been diminished to 140 characters with emoji and pictures that it could take some time to meditate on writing a good love letter.